Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The weekly MD appointment

Once again the girls had a MD appointment today. They are still doing really well. Emma weights 7 pounds 8 ounces and 19.75 inches long. The MD also said that the heart murmur sounds alot better. So hopefully by the time we go in for their next visit it will be gone and she won't need to go to the cardiologist. Mya is 7 pounds and 19.5 inches long.

Thanks you for your prayers. They mean the world to us. xoxo!


  1. We are glad that the Dr. appt went so well! That is really good news! They are getting so big! So sweet! We will keep praying! Love ya,

  2. The girls are so sweet!! We are keeping tabs on your little family through this blog so keep it up!! love you guys Robyn and Rob

  3. Dani, your girls are beautiful!! I can't believe that you are a mom of two!!! They are lucky to have such an amazing woman for their mother! I miss you and I love your little family. Give them a kiss from me!
